Diagramme In Latex. Just ask in the latex forum. The visuals we will make are similar to those found in microsoft word smart graphics.
We can also label our axes using nodes to do this we add the keyword node into both draw statements next to the end co ordinates followed by an anchor specification in square brackets and the text in curly brackets. Standardmatlabplot0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 1 sinus und cosinus x rad y sinus cosinus probleme schriftart kleineschrift. Moritz brinkmann created date.
One of the main advantages of using code to make diagrams is that they are within the document and you do not need to import images every single time you compile the document.
So when we specify the north west anchor for the x axis node we are telling tikz to use the anchor in the top left hand. One of the older packages is feynmf which uses metapost in order to generate the diagrams. Latex allows you to develop visuals and diagrams using various packages for this purpose. These diagrams can be included into latex documents thanks to a few packages.