Level Shifter Schaltung. Bevor man ein philips i2c chip auswählt sollte man prüfen ob er verfügbar ist und auch das verfügbare gehäuse wählen. The single bjt level shifter in the question would work.
Knowing this a logic level shifter is necessary to create a path between processors sensors or. Philips an97055 bi directional level shifter for i c bus and other systems. A level shifter in digital electronics also called logic level shifter or voltage level translation is a circuit used to translate signals from one logic level or voltage domain to another allowing compatibility between ics with different voltage requirements such as ttl and cmos.
Logic level is simply a high and low level of voltage for a certain board or ic.
Here s a pic of where i race. Modern systems use level shifters to bridge domains between processors logic sensors and other circuits. Schaltung f umleger m schlauer. Dies ist notwendig um einen i2c levelshifter zu betreiben welcher auf die referenzspannung der zielschaltung angewiesen ist.