Marx Generator Schaltplan. A bank of 36 marx generators is used by sandia national laboratories to generate. A compact four stage marx with six parallel marx generators per stage and a common switch housing developed for various air force applications is described.
Unique features of the compact marx include a. The marx generator requires a low current high voltage dc in the range 4 8kv power supply. A bank of 36 marx generators is used by sandia national laboratories to generate.
A marx generator is an electrical circuit first described by erwin otto marx in 1924.
A marx generator is an electrical circuit first described by erwin otto marx in 1924. Abramyan networks the basic marx circuit in figure 1 2 can be modified to produce a rectangular pulse with the addition of a single component 11. A marx generator into a rectangularly shaped pulse with the addition of a single inductor. The simplest and most widely used high voltage impulse generator is the device erwin marx introduced in 1925 for testing high voltage components and equipment for the emerging power industry.