Sankey Diagramm Materialfluss. The next logical step is the visualisation of monetary values e g. Found this in a 2017 doctoral thesis titled wechselwirkungen und auswirkungen von planungsalternativen auf die gesamtenergiebilanz und die co2 emissionen von logistikzentren by julia freis lehrstuhl für fördertechnik materialfluss logistik technical university munich tum.
The sankey diagram generator. The next logical step is the visualisation of monetary values e g. Build diagrams quickly with sdraw.
The thicker the arrow the more flow of energy mass or volume.
The sankey diagram generator. Sankey diagramme dienen der visualisierung von materialströmen. The key to reading and interpreting sankey diagrams is remembering that the width is proportional to the quantity represented. Another data visualization tool brought to you by acquire procurement services.